
Interested in working with me? Stop by my office and chat with me.

Current Ph.D. Advisees

Shalini Mahanthege, Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia                                      Aug 2022 - Now

Dissertation topic: Flexible modeling of multivariate extremes with Bayesian networks

Xiaoyu Ma, Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia                                                        Aug 2022 - Now

(Co-advised with Dr. Christopher K. Wikle)

Dissertation topic: Emulating complex climate models via integrating variational autoencoder and spatial extremes

Muyang Shi, Statistics, Colorado State University                                                                   Aug 2022 - Now

(Co-advised with Dr. Benjamin A. Shaby)

Dissertation topic: Gaussian process emulators for the nonstationary spatial extremes model

Joining My Group

Ph.D. students

I am only able to serve as the PhD advisor for students who are currently enrolled in the Statistics PhD program at Mizzou and who have passed the PhD Qualifying Exam. If you are interested in applying to the Statistics PhD program at Mizzou but are not yet enrolled there as a student, please visit the Mizzou Statistics graduate program information page for information about applying. 

Undergraduate and Masters Students

Feel free to reach out to me about research opportunities. Priority is given to students whom I have interacted with before through courses or other opportunities. You must have taken at the minimum STAT 8710 (or their equivalent at another institution) to work with me. Students who have experience with R or Python are preferred.